1Checkin - All airlines

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We'll start the check-in process right after you confirm your email.
A confirmation link has been sent.
Unfortunately, there was an error processing your data, and we're already fixing it. Please resend this data via email
This email is already registered. To check in please send your booking confirmation to en@1check.in or add it in your

Search within reservation system

We are looking to find your booking within the reservation system in order to fill in the data for all flights and passengers.
Usually it takes 5-10 seconds. You can cancel this process

Free automatic check-in for any flight

Free automatic check-in for any flight
Download from the App Store
Download from the Google PlayMarket

Check-in via email

Forward the email with your booking confirmation to en@1check.in, and we'll get you checked in as soon as online check-in at the respective airline opens.


How it works

Set your seat preferences

Check-in offline regardless of where you are

Sit next to your friends

Download from the App Store
Download from the Google PlayMarket


Forward us your booking confirmation to en@1check.in
Set your seat preferences
Get your boarding pass

Any questions? Visit our F.A.Q. page


Why 1check.in?

You save time

You enter your details just once
Check-in starts immediately as soon as it opens
The system registers you even if you're offline

Always fly in comfort

Set your seat preferences
Always sit together with friends or colleagues


Your service saves me a lot of time preparing for flights. No need to register on airline websites anymore, automation of this process makes life so much easier! Thank you!

Antonino, Austria

I travel a lot due to my job as a consultant. Very useful service, the seat preference function is great!

Terence, Germany

Very convenient! I would even be willing to use it for a fee.

Romano, Italy

I instantly forward my booking confirmations after having purchased a plane ticket. That’s all I got to do in order to automatically receive the boarding passes one day prior to departure. So easy!

Melby, Australia

Send your feedback to our email


Your email

This email is already registered. To check in please send your booking confirmation to en@1check.in or add it in your
Please try again


Enter your email and we will send you 1Checkin's manual.

Thank you for choosing 1Checkin!

An email has been sent to confirm your registration.

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Contact will be downloaded as a vCard.

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Contact card opens in 5 seconds.

To open immediately click the link.
If your device doesn't read vCards, just — add en@1check.in to your address book.

You can also tell your friends about us on social media.